4 Things Many Couples Should Do But Often Don’t


Pray together. Forgive. Go on date nights. Have sex. A lot of sex. Say I love you. Laugh together. Encourage one another. Whew! After a while marriage can begin to feel like one big “to-do” list! If you are like me, sometimes it all gets a bit overwhelming. But the truth is it doesn’t have to be! Below are 4 things every couple should be doing that you might not be doing…and honestly these are pretty easy to implement.  Sure…so many things are important but go ahead and start here and watch the impact these tips have on your marriage.

In addition to praying for your spouse here are 4 more things you should do:

  1. Vision Cast

Sure you and your friends may be planning to get together for your annual vision board party, but what about you and your spouse? For some reason many couples forget the importance of taking time out of your life to intentionally and strategically plan for your future.  Why is this so important? The reality is if we are not careful, we can find ourselves headed in the opposite direction than our spouse and a few years down the road we wonder what happened or where we got off track.  Vision casting together (at least once a year, if not more) will make sure you are on one accord.  Need help creating a vision plan? Click here and get a Family planning template emailed to you!


2. Be open to feedback

I know. You have it all together and you never frustrate or irritate your spouse. Okay. Now the truth! After navigating “life” together we can easily begin to do things or say things that create tension in our relationship.  Many times in order to ‘keep the peace’ your spouse may not share with you the things that are frustrating to him/her.  In order to ensure that you both are aware of any concerns or challenges, open the door for feedback. It’s so easy to assume all is well because the “ship” is still afloat. But remember it took 3 years to build the titanic but it sank in just 3 hours.  We don’t want something to cause our relationship to sink so ask your spouse to share how you can be a better spouse and love them the way they need to be loved.


  1. Take a break…alone

Of course couples should want to spend time together and should enjoy one another’s company.  But as romantic as we might think it is, relationships become enmeshed when we feel that we must be with our spouse for every free moment. Jesus Himself had to break away from those closes to Him in order to have a little time alone.  This doesn’t mean that you need to take an extended vacation without your spouse, but having some “me-time” will make your time together that much better.


  1.  Start & complete a project together

Studies show that couples who accomplish things together have a greater bond than those that don’t.  You and your spouse should find a hobby, start a project at home or even commit to volunteering together.  Doing so will allow you to share your strengths, support one another’s weaknesses and celebrate once you’ve met your goal!


Implementing these 4 tips will allow you to invest in your marriage in a powerful way! What other tips do you have for couples? Visit our Facebook Page and let us know your thoughts!