12 Ways to Make Marriage Fun Again

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(Article by Ron Edmondson via www.ronedmondson.com)

Here are a 12 ways to make marriage fun again:

Prioritize your marriage – If you want to have fun in your marriage, you have to make your marriage a priority in your life; above your hobbies, work and even your children. All of us would say that our marriage is a priority, but do we practice what we say we believe? Our marriage should take precedence over every other human relationship and every other activity. My wife knows when I am putting her first and when something else has my greatest attention.

Schedule time for fun – We should schedule time to simply enjoy life with our spouse. Everyone I know is busy, but we should make sure our schedule never gets so crowded that we cannot enjoy time with the love of our life. As a pastor, I am never really off work, but I try to be home when I am home. Still, I will often hear my wife, and my boys when they were home, ask me something like, “Are you really listening to me or are you thinking about your next appointment?” We must set boundaries between our home and our work or other activities. Add to your calendar opportunities to have fun together. When is the last time you and your wife went on a date? You can be wise with your expenses and still plan for date nights.

(Click HERE to read the full article)

Wife to Be

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Ager and Valerie Cheely have been married for 12 years and can attest to God’s faithfulness and favor in their relationship.  The couple established CHAT (Couples Hearing About the Truth) in 2011.  The heart of CHAT is to coach couples towards restoration, healthy communication and an engaging relationship with one another. Learn more by visiting www.coaching4couples.org.


The day that every girl dreams of is the day that she becomes the “Bride to be”!

All thoughts are set on the wedding day as soon as she gets the ring.  Wedding planners, bridal bouquets and boutiques, bridesmaids, groomsmen, the cake; and plans go on for week and weeks; invited guest galore; all getting ready for the day that the “Bride to be” walks through the church doors.

The day arrives after months of preparation and planning to have the best two hours that any girl can imagine.  The day is everything you hoped for, everything you dreamed; but what does saying these vows and exchanging the rings really mean?

So much time has been spent on the wedding day, but has there been any thought about the days after when all the guest go away?  So focused on this one day, but have you thought about the rest of your life? Your status will change; people will call you by a new last name.

You are no longer a “bride”, you’re now a wife!

When your husband needs encouragement after a long hard day, what kind of wife do you want to be, will you know what to say?  It’s no longer just about you; it’s communicating, compromising, and commitment; you to your husband and your husband to you!  It’s a call to submission to the one that God ordained to lead, love, and protect you.  The excitement that you had  from the start, it’s no longer just to get through one day, it’s now a life long journey, ’til death do you part!

So if you are planning to get married, don’t focus so much on the wedding day, because that day quickly goes away.  Don’t spend so much time just preparing for the one day; pray and ask God to show you the way each and every day.

You want to be more than just a bride because the “wife to be” is who your husband will want by his side; not just for a day, but for a lifetime!