What price will you pay?

Wise Family

Chajay Wise is an amazing woman who is passionate about helping women embrace their role as a mom and wife with integrity and creativity.  She is the mother to 4 beautiful children and is married to her college sweetheart, Darius. The couple has been married 10 years.




What Price Will You Pay? by Chajay Wise 

I am the epitomy of a bargain shopper. I do not believe in paying full price for anything, especially kids clothing. In my opinion kids grow too fast to spend lots of money on items they will out grow in the blink of an eye. But my husband on the other hand, loves to purchase quality items that he believes will last a life time! So when I purchase cheap jeans for our boys I often find myself frustrated two weeks later thinking in my mind, “you get what you pay for”, as I try to patch up knee holes from boisterous boys. If only I had paid the higher price for the jeans with the more durable material, I could have saved myself time, frustration, and money in the end.

In many ways, the same is true for marriage. If you desire a strong marriage, it will come at a higher price. Great marriages don’t just happen; they are a product of two people who are willing to pay the price to invest their best! Darius and I have specific shared goals for our lives, marriage, and family. We have learned over the years that in order for our goals to be achieved, we must intentionally maintain non-negotiable priorities. One of our goals is to grow old together, while traveling the world and watching our grand kids mature. But if we don’t make a habit of connecting daily, busy schedules have a way of leading us in two separate directions.

As married couples we have two choices. We can cover up a broken marriage to look good and pay a high price of disappointment, pain, and heartbreak. Or, we can pay a high price of doing whatever it takes to build a healthy thriving marriage. Either way we will have to pay a price.

By God’s grace we have a beautiful marriage, but trust me, it came at a high price. We had to kill selfishness, set boundaries, heal from past hurts, disappointments from people, and trust God. And now, because of the price we were willing to pay first, we are experiencing deeper love, commitment, incredible happiness, and constant support for one another!

So I ask you……What price are you willing to pay for the marriage you want?


(Interested in writing for “I Believe in Marriage”? Email us! contact@ibelieveinmarriage.com)

14 Ways to Refresh your Romance!

Ever wonder why your romance feels dull and maybe even distant? We often look for the “BIG” things that destroy relationships while ignoring the “…little foxes that destroy the vine” (Solomon 2:15).  If we are honest, we can admit that over time we become consumed with the demands of life and before we know it, we have unintentionally neglected one another.  And if we continue to neglect one another, we  find ourselves living in the same house but living separate lives.  But there is hope! Many times it just takes simple steps to invest in your relationship.  Today, consider committing to at least 4 of these practical and simple strategies (consistently!!) and watch what happens to your romance!

  1. Wave the white flag and declare a truce

Many times when the pressures of life become overwhelming we take it out on those we are closes too.  That leads to us snapping at our spouses for little (or maybe not so little) irritations.  But today, wave the white flag.  Acknowledge that you have been irritable and that you want to declare a truce.  Doing this will go a long way to reconnecting you to your partner.

 2.  Remember why you said “I do”

After dealing with bills, house maintenance, the kids, in-laws, the car that stopped working….you sometimes forget why you decided to start this life in the first place.  But don’t let the drama of life make you forget why you said “I do”.  A fun way to remember is based on how many years you’ve been married; use that number to make a list of why you love your spouse or why you said “I do”.  Give it to them as a surprise and watch how special they feel!

3. Play hooky

Maybe you don’t have the time or the resources to leave the city for a vacation or get-away.  But most of us can take one day off from work! So, coordinate with your spouse and stay home for the day!  You can either explore your city together or simply stay at home and bum out all day. The goal is to make it a full day just for the two of you.

4. Invest in your spouse’s interest

Is your spouse a sports lover or maybe really into crafts?  Find a way to invest in what they are passionate about.  Maybe you can purchase tickets to a local game or maybe pay for a yearlong subscription to a magazine that is focused on what they enjoy.  Simply find a way to show that you are paying attention to what is important to them.

5. Do what they do

Most of us show love the way we need love.  Of course we should figure out our spouses love language or “Relational Needs” and love them the way they best receive it. But most often we fall back to our default…loving the way we want love.  So, pay attention to what your spouse does for you and give that back to them!

6. Take a class together

Learning together helps you grow together. Identify a new skill, principle or hobby that you’d like to learn about and take a class. This also gives you a set time weekly or monthly to be together!

7. Spice it up

Love making does not have to be routine!  Spice up your sex lives in fun and flirtatious ways! Come up with a word that represents “I am ready” to one another and say it to your spouse while out in public.  Example: Honey, I can’t wait to go to the CIRCUS!!!  Having a secret language, handshake or look can be an easy way to entice one another discreetly.

8. Group date

Hanging out with like-minded couples is a great way to refresh your romance.  Creating a bond with other people can help you stay accountable in your own marriage.  Arrange a bowling, put-put or dinner outing with a few friends once a month or at least 3 or 4 times a year.

9. De-Clutter your bedroom

It’s really hard to be sexy when you have your daughters “baby doll” in the bed with you, the dresser is cluttered with bills and there is a basket of clothes (or 2 or 3 baskets) along your bedroom wall (am I telling my business?).  Decluttering your bedroom, adding a few romantic items (a picture of the two of you in a sexy embrace, candles and maybe even a romantic book) can do a world of good for your romance.

10. Be silly and laugh

When was the last time you and your spouse laughed until tears were in your eyes?  Do you know that laughter can actually be healing?  Stop being so serious and just have a good time.  Check out your favorite comedian or find a funny movie and just have a good laugh.

 11. Encourage your spouse

Remember we all gravitate towards where we receive the most applause.  Make sure that you are your spouse’s NUMBER ONE encourager.  Speak life, remind your spouse why they are so special, and push them forward when they feel like giving up.  Remember, it’s easy to hear the ‘boos’ from the crowd…it’s the applause that sometimes gets drowned out!

12. Stop comparing

Unhealthy comparisons can drain your relationship.  And remember, most times we are comparing our relationship or spouse to a standard that may not be what we really think it is.  This doesn’t mean that you can’t learn from other people, but be realistic and remember no one has a perfect relationship.

 13. Commit to connecting

Anything that is important we make sure we schedule it.  A work meeting, a doctor’s appointment, a parent/teacher conference, etc.  Why not do the same with our relationship.  Schedule 3 or 4 times a year that you and your significant other intentionally connect to talk about your relationship and what is going right and what needs to be improved! (Sign up for our newsletter to get a template to help you with this strategy).

 14. PRAY

The truth is, none of these strategies will work if we don’t undergird our relationship in prayer.  We must invite God in as THE head, as the strategist, as the guide for our relationship.  Pray together and separately asking God to create a clean heart in you and to draw you and your significant other together in every area of intimacy possible!

*** If these strategies blessed you, share them with your family & friends via social media! ***

Why do you believe in marriage?

Wise FamilyChajay Wise is an amazing woman who is passionate about helping women embrace their role as a mom and wife with integrity and creativity.  She is the mother to 4 beautiful children and is married to her college sweetheart, Darius. The couple has been married 10 years.



Why Do You Believe In Marriage? by Chajay Wise

Marriage, the union of one man and one woman, I’ve been told could be the closes thing to heaven or hell on earth:)!  And being married for 10 years, I can truly say that I agree with that statement (we’ve had much more heaven than hell, for sure:)! Marriage can be a beautiful thing when both parties agree to make it the best experience for the other and that’s the reason… “Why I Believe In Marriage”.

Today couples choose to get married for so many different reasons. Some to be happy, and others to not be lonely, but there are many benefits to being married. In fact, there are 1,138 benefits, rights and protections provided on the basis of marital status in Federal law alone.

Here are some of my favorites not associated with the law! 🙂

Marriage & Health

• On average, husbands and wives are healthier, happier and enjoy longer lives than those who are not married.

• Men appear to reap the most physical health benefits from marriage and suffer the greatest health consequences if they divorce.

• Married mothers have lower rates of depression than single or cohabiting mothers, probably because they are more likely to receive practical and emotional support from their child’s father and his family.

Marriage & Wealth

• Married couples build more wealth on average than singles or cohabiting couples.

• Marriage offers men the kind of stability and support that allows him to succeed in all aspects of life.

• Married women are economically better off than divorced, cohabiting or never-married women.

Marriage & Children

Children raised by their own married mother and father are:

• More likely to stay in school, have fewer behavioral and attendance problems, and earn four-year college degrees

• Less vulnerable to serious emotional illness, depression and suicide

• More likely to have positive attitudes towards marriage and greater success in forming lasting marriages

Marriage and Society

• The institution of marriage reliably creates the social, economic and affective conditions for effective parenting.

• Being married changes people’s lifestyles and habits in ways that are personally and socially beneficial. Marriage makes you a better person.

• Marriage generates social capital. The social bonds created through marriage yield benefits not only for the family but for others as well, including the larger society.

So there you have it! Marriage is more than paperwork. It is a long-term investment in one person, building deep abiding love, with amazing benefits, that should last for a life time (Can I get an Amen;). Alright, I want to hear from you… Why Do You Believe In Marriage?? I would love to hear some of the benefits you experience in your marriage…

Sources: Why Marriage Matters: Twenty-Six Conclusions from the Social Sciences (Institute for American Values); Healthy Marriages, Healthy Lives: Research on the Alignment of Health, Marital Outcomes and Marriage Education (California Healthy Marriages Coalition); Testimony of Dr. Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, National Marriage Project, before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Children. This article was adapted from foryourmarriage.org





The King & The Queen

Loved this picture! Do you agree?queen is hungry

Great article

I loved this article on MSN.com. Check it out below!

8 Phrases to End ANY Argument

(Remember this is not written by anyone associated with IBIM…and the comments at the end of the article are not connected with the article).


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