Episode 20

Do you and your spouse ever argue? Do you think it is okay to “fight” as long as you fight fair? Do you know how to deal with conflict in your marriage in a healthy manner? One more question: Do you and your spouse have a conflict management strategy?
During Episode 20 we are going to dive into ALL of these topics! We are going to talk about conflict in marriage, how to deal with it and THREE words every couple needs to KNOW if they are going to deal with conflict in a healthy way!
This episode can be a game changer for you and your spouse! Invite your spouse to listen to it and then set some time to discuss! Your marriage deserves it!

**** During the show I suggest that you visit this link to discuss your conflict styles: https://ibelieveinmarriage.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/CONFLICT-PERSONALITY-STYLES.pdf