So What EXACTLY is a CRA?

The CRA is the Couples Relationship Assessment that helps you and your Significant Other, identify what makes your relationship WORK and what areas need a bit of your ATTENTION! It is simply an objective "Snapshot" of your relationship!

I would love to help you and your spouse identify your specific strengths and growth areas, and help you develop a customized strategy to go from where you ARE to where you ultimately want to BE!

 For over 10 years I have used the highly researched program, "Prepare Enrich" which is THE leading relationship inventory for couples. The Prepare Enrich team boasts of helping over 3 MILLION couples improve their relationship with this amazing resource. I have used the Prepare Enrich assessment both personally and professionally and it is a great tool to help you and your spouse get clear on the areas that are really working in your relationship, as well as those areas that need more attention.

But let me be clear. The assessment alone will not have a significant impact on your marriage. That’s where I come in! Over the years of working with individuals and couples, I have gained valuable insight, wisdom and strategies to cut through the surface to the core of the matter. I will not…can not…shall not make you any over the top promises. Marriage is no joke. It is NOT for the faint of heart. And it takes a willingness to grow, change and compromise. And if you are slightly stubborn like me, that isn’t easy! BUT…I can tell you that I’ve seen couples on the brink of divorce, start the process of finding their way back to one another by using the strategies that I teach. And it’s just an added bonus that I am married to the love of my life and the two of us consistenly make sure we are doing the work to maintain our “I Do”. I practice a lot of this stuff on our own relationship (and it drives my husband insane!). And one more important piece of information: This resource is NOT to be confused with counseling or coaching. It is simply a professional consultation to help you and your spouse understand your relationship through an objective lens. 

You know what…let me give you a relationship tip right now: Your relationship is unique. The dynamics, concerns, strengths and areas of growth are different than that of your family or friends. The two of you have your own unique “crazy” that you deal with. It is important that you are clear about what works or does not work for YOUR relationship. There are relationship PRINCIPLES for all marriages, but how you live out those principles are unique for you and your spouse or fiance. I want to help you gain clarity on the intricacies of your own relationship. Whether things are good and you just want things to be great or you and your spouse have hit a rough patch and you want tips to navigate your way to a better place, I am here to help

YES, I absolutely want to invest in my relationship. But what exactly will I get from a CRA?

Using the Prepare Enrich inventory as the foundation, I will join you and your significant other for a tele-session for 90 minutes. During our call, I will help you and your spouse:

• Understand your unique relationship strengths (What WORKS that you should continue to build upon) 

• Understand your unique relationship areas of growth (What areas the two of you need to focus on for improvement) 

• Understand your unique personality and how it impacts your relationship 

• Learn 3 strategies to improve communication 

• Identify at least 2 conflict resolution strategies for your relationship 

• Present a simple, 2 to 3 step customized plan to help you and your spouse jump-start the improvement in your relationship over the next 30 days

All of that sounds great! But will I like my spouse more after this process?

Well, I can’t say for sure. But what I can say is that you will have a greater understanding of one another which will help the two of you in the long run! By investing in the CRA, you will both have the opportunity to express your needs in an environment conducive for change! Plus you will get a lot of cool bonuses too!

The Investment for your Customized Relationship Assessment is only $179!


* "30 for 30" Post Assessment Follow-up Session (30 days after you receive your CRA, Life Coach Robin May will connect with you and your spouse for a 30 minute follow-up to address any questions or concerns that you may have since the assessment)

* A Copy of the book: "The 30-Day Intentional Intimacy Project" (Receive a copy of Life Coach Robin May's book focused on helping women do their part to reignite the romance in their marriage!) 


1. Once you have invested in this coaching service, within 24 hours we will email you the online assessment that you and your significant other must complete (separately).

2. Once your assessment is complete, we will email you a link that will allow you to sign up for your 90 minute session.

3. During your 90 minute session you will receive valuable feedback on what you and your significant other can do to improve your relationship. Your evaluation will be customized to address YOUR specific relationship. You will also receive (via email) the program workbook filled with exercises that you can do to help improve the quality of your relationship. Life Coach Robin May will identify the specific exercises that she believes will be most beneficial for your relationship. This workbook, created by the Prepare Enrich company, will allow you and your significant other to continue your own discussions post assessment.

NOTE: Robin May is a Life Coach & Licensed Therapist - - - This service is not counseling but a coaching service.


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