Are you ready to start the journey?

The Can You Hear Me Now Communication Course

Are you ready to go from feeling clueless and confused about why the communication in your marriage often leaves you wondering if you are crazy, to knowing your own triggers, understanding how your background impacts your relationship and the specific strategies needed to improve the communication and ultimately the connection in your marriage…even if your spouse isn’t initially onboard?

My spouse and I are just not on the same page…No matter what, we just can’t seem to communicate!

If you’ve ever said something similar, trust, you are not alone! Many couples share that they are struggling with their communication, but, can I tell you a secret?

Shhhh!! Don’t tell anyone else. But, the reality is that many couples think that their primary issue is COMMUNICATION but there is often so much more to it than that!

Navigating the terrains of marriage can be tricky, but it can be done, and I want to help!


During this course you will learn the 3-Step Communication Framework that will help you and your spouse get OFF the ROLLER COASTER of CRAZY CONVERSATIONS and once and for all DECODE and RESOLVE your communication challenges!

Communication Framework


“Have we Met? Reintroducing Yourself to Your Spouse”

So many couples are “fighting the wrong fight” because they don’t know what they each are bringing to the table in the area of communication. During this part of the program you will learn you and your spouse’s communication DNA, how your family roles impact your marriage and more!


“Scouting out the Land Mines”

Most couples are dealing with the same issue that shows up differently over and over again. During this part of the course you and your spouse will understand the undercurrent (s) in your marriage, your dysfunctional defaults and the current culture of your marriage


“Where do we Go from here”

The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. Now is the time to get off of the roller coaster of crazy. During this part of the program you will learn very practical strategies that you can employ to start making the necessary changes in your relationship. And during this phase you and your spouse will develop your communication contract!

Once you invest, you will have access to the Communication Course for a full year!

That means you can go at your own pace! AND even if your spouse does not join today, when they are ready the course will be there waiting for them (for a full 12 months) to gain the valuable insight that will help your relationship!

3 MODULES, 18 VIDEOS, Worksheets, Assessments, PDF Downloads


Explored you and your spouses “life-story” and discovered how your individual journeys impact your communication.

Identified you and your spouses communication & conflict style and learned strategies on how to embrace (instead of fight against) the way you both “show up” in the marriage.

Learned how to STOP the SABATOGE that keeps you on the same old merry go round over and over again in your communication.

Discovered the current culture of your marriage (yes, your marriage has it’s own culture) and how that culture is helping or hurting your overall marriage satisfaction.

Understood the importance of feeling emotionally “Safe” in your marriage, how to create a “safe-space” in your marriage and what happens when that safety is compromised.

Developed practical strategies – simple yet successful suggestions – to help you and your spouse connect in a more productive way.

Crafted a “Communication Contract” (Yep! You and your spouse need to know what’s okay what’s not) for your marriage that helps you both stay on track in how you interact with one another!

We offer suggestions on how to best use this resource for specific results!

To learn the best way to go through this course for the following groups, feel free to shoot us an email:


Use the email above to contact our office for a discounted rate for your group!

Support For Individuals

Support For Couples

To Use As A Resource For Clinical Counseling

To Use As A Resource For Pastoral Counseling

To Use As A Resource For Care Group

You’ve Got Q’s? I’ve Got A’s!

Is This Program Just for Wives?

Absolutely not! Now, can we keep it real? More often than not, wives are often the ones seeking out resources to help their marriage. However, this program was intentionally designed for the couple to complete together OR for if just one of you goes through it, it will still be very beneficial.

How long will it take me to get through this program?

Just like us, I am sure you are pulled in so many directions and the thought of adding something ELSE to your schedule seems exhausting just at the thought. But, here is the thing, for this program you have access for a full year. That means YOU CAN GO AT YOUR OWN PACE! You can either go through the entire program at one time or you can set a schedule that works for you. And the great thing is you can come back and revisit it again and again! In other words, YOU set the pace!

I remember you offered a "Wives Intensive" where you supported wives through the program. Is that being offered as well?

The Wives Intensive Coaching program is a game changer! During the Wives Intensive, we meet together virtually once a week to discuss the course and for you to ask any questions you may have! The Wives Intensive is only offered twice a year! The next date will be released soon! Click HERE to join our mailing list to be informed!

What if I am not satisfied with the course?

No way! There is just no way that would happen! Unfortunately because this is an information product and delivery of knowledge cannot be reversed, therefore, we do not issue refunds.

What If I Have Questions Or Need Support?

If you invest in the WIVES INTENSIVE you will have an opportunity for all of your direct questions to be answered. If you invest in the Course only, we encourage you to reach out to us via email ( or social media with your questions and we respond to as many as we can or we answer your questions through our posts and Facebook Lives. Also, we encourage you to go through this course with a group of friends or even with the Marriage Ministry at your local church.

Is this a religious course?

No, we would not describe the course as religious. The course leans more towards Robin’s clinical expertise. However, there are a few references to Biblical principles/scriptures mentioned throughout the course. Also, we do offer, absolutely for free, an additional resource for Pastors / Church-small groups that highlights specific scriptures to support the principles taught throughout the course. Once a church leader purchases the course, he/she can email our office to request that resource.

Message From Robin

Hey! Can i give it to you straight? Marriage ain’t no joke! Bad Grammar intended.

Y’all, marriage is tough, but it also rewarding, fulfilling and amazing at the same time. But getting to the good stuff takes work, and I want to help you do the RIGHT work!

This program won’t fix everything, but it will help you fix a lot and that is a start! Join me…let’s do this!